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Plant Ecology Laboratory

Research in our lab focuses on diversity patterns in biological communities, and on the interactions underlying these patterns. The main questions we address are: how do communities vary along natural gradients and gradients of human impact? What are the major assembly rules shaping communities; and are they attributable to biotic interactions or environmental heterogeneity? What are the roles of different biotic interactions - including competition, facilitation, herbivory and symbiosis - in structuring communities? Read more

News archive - May

Climate change will increase Poaceae airborne pollen in southern Spain

May 2015

David García de León published with Herminia García-Mozo, Carmen Galán and Purificación Alcázar from University of Córdoba (Spain) and Mauricio Lima and José L. González Andújar from LINCGlobal (CSIC-PUC-UFRJ) a paper entitled “Disentangling the effects of feedback structure and climate on Poaceae annual airborne pollen fluctuations and the possible consequences of climate change” in Science of the Total Environment.

In this paper the authors present a novel approach to study long-term airborne pollen and model the long-term fluctuations of airborne Poaceae pollen. Pollen density in the previous year—unlike what used to be generally assumed—and maximum temperature drove Poaceae pollen levels. Increase of pollen levels up to 44.3% by 2070 in Southern Spain is predicted under climate change scenarios. Potential effects of this increase in pollen levels on allergy sufferers are discussed in the paper. 

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