Koeru liigirikas salukuusik paikneb Kesk-Eestis. Seal on esindatud nii küps mets kui ka erinevas vanuses raiejärgsed metsad. Koeru salumetsas uuritakse taimekoosluse struktuuri, samuti metsamajanduse mõju alustaimestikule. Eriti põhjalikult on uurimise all aga taimejuurtes elavate sümbiontsete arbuskulaar-mükoriissete (AM) seente elurikkus. Praeguse informatsiooni kohaselt on Koeru salumets maailma kõige kõrgema AM seente mitmekesisusega ökosüsteem. Välieksperimentides püütakse selgitada, milline on AM seenekoosluste mõju alustaimestiku taimeliikide uuenemisele.
Koeru uurimisala baasil on seni avaldatud järgmised teadusartiklid:
- Aavik,T., Püssa,K., Roosaluste,E. & Moora,M. 2009. Vegetation change in a boreonemoral forest during succession - trends in species composition, richness and differentiation diversity. Annales Botanici Fennici 46: 326-335.
- Davison, J., Öpik, M., Daniell, T., Moora, M., Zobel, M. 2011. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in plant roots are not random assemblages. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 78: 103-115.
- Moora, M., Berger, S., Davison, J., Öpik, M., Bommarco, R., Bruelheide, H., Kühn, I., Kunin, W.E., Metsis, M., Rortais, A., Vanatoa, A., Vanatoa, E., Stout, J.C., Truusa, M., Westphal, C., Zobel, M., Walther, G.R. 2011. Alien plants associate with widespread generalist arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal taxa: evidence from a continental-scale study using massively parallel 454-sequencing. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 1305-1317.
- Koorem,K. & Moora,M. 2010. Positive association between understory species richness and a dominant shrub species (Corylus avellana) in a boreonemoral spruce forest. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 1407-1413.
- Moora,M., Daniell,T.J., Kalle,H., Liira,J., Püssa,K., Roosaluste,E., Öpik,M., Wheatley,R. & Zobel,M. 2007. Spatial pattern and species richness of boreonemoral forest understorey and its determinants – a comparison of differently managed forests. Forest Ecology and Management 250: 64-70.
- Moora,M., Öpik,M., Zobel,K. & Zobel,M. 2009. Understory plant diversity is related to higher variability of vegetative mobility of coexisting species. Oecologia 159: 355-361.
- Öpik,M., Metsis,M., Daniell,T.J., Zobel,M. & Moora,M. 2009. Large-scale parallel 454 sequencing reveals host ecological group specificity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a boreonemoral forest. New Phytologist 184: 424-437.
- Öpik,M., Moora,M., Zobel,M., Saks,U., Wheatley,R., Wright,F. & Daniell,T. 2008. High diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a boreal herb-rich coniferous forest. New Phytologist 179: 867-876.
- Uibopuu, A., Moora, M., Saks, U., Daniell, T., Zobel, M., & Öpik, M. (2009) Differential effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities from ecosystems along management gradient on the growth of forest understorey plant species. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41: 2141-2146.
- Zobel,M., Kalamees,R., Püssa,K., Roosaluste,E. & Moora,M. 2007. Soil seed bank and vegetation in mixed coniferous forest stands with different disturbance regimes. Forest Ecology and Management 250: 71-76.